
Monday, April 1, 2013

Easter Weekend:

Friday, I slept in with my pup, Grendel, then went and got a mani-pedi with my mom.  After our nails dried, mom and I met dad at Steak n' Shake for lunch.  That Frisco Melt was the best.  Yum.

Then, I went shopping with mom and we found some cute stuff, like this little Elvis piggy bank at Old Navy.

After much shopping, I went home and got ready to go to Revision's Good Friday service.  Ricky's brother-in-law, Ben, is one of the pastors at Revision and Ricky's other brother-in-law, Josh, leads worship.  Their service was wonderful.  Very convicting, encouraging, and exciting.

Saturday, Ricky came over and we dyed Easter Eggs.  Some turned out good, some bad, but thats okay.  We had fun.  It has become a tradition for us and that's exciting.

These are a few pictures from our egg dying last year.

These are from this year.

 This one is dad's Storm Trooper Egg.
Our dying kit came with these fancy bowls.  Too cool.

Here's our whole dying station.

My ombre egg.
My attempt at a red white and blue egg.
Cool speckled egg.

After we finished our eggs, Ricky and I worked on our Halo costumes.  I've been trying to hold off on this subject, because it makes me seem super nerdy, but here goes nothing...
So, Ricky, Kenny, my dad, and I are making Halo's Master chief suits.  You build them our of paper then fiberglass them to make them hard.  It is going to be a long process, but hopefully it will turn out really cool.  Plus, its great bonding with my boys.  Get it, "bonding"?  Haha.

At about 7:30, Ricky and I went back to his house and ate steaks with his family.  Then we watched Rise of the Guardians with his parents.  When the movie was over, Ricky walked me out to my car and when we walked out the door, we both froze.  It was SO foggy.  It literally looked like we were inside of a cloud.  We ran back in to bring his parents out to see.  We all stayed outside in amazement for a while before I finally went home at midnight.

Once I got home, I had to bake cupcakes, because we had a few families over after church on Sunday for lunch.  Well... when you try to bake cupcakes at midnight, it doesn't always turn out just right.  So what happened?  Well, I had some batter left over after I filled the cupcake pan, and I wanted to be able to go ahead and wash the dishes, so I put the extra batter into a few cupcake liners and set them on the stove.  Well, then I went and cleaned up the house a bit, and when I came back, I found this...
The batter had spilt out all over the stove.  Awesome.  So I threw all of these little gems away.  Moral of the story: taking a shortcut can sometimes actually make things take longer.  I ended up going to bed at 3, so I was very tired on Easter Sunday, but it was still wonderful.

After everyone left my house on Sunday, Ricky and I went over to his sister, Lindsay's, house to eat dinner.  Dinner was amazing.  (Side note, Ricky's family should own a restaurant, because they are all master chefs.  You think I'm kidding... I'm not.)  After dinner, Ricky and I watched some Curious George with his niece and nephew, Jovie and Jack.

My Easter weekend was filled with fun, family, and lots of laughs.

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