
Saturday, January 12, 2013


My favorite city that I have ever been to is New York City.  I have a love for that city that runs deep.  I got to go visit NYC for a week in the Summer of 2010.  It was the best trip of my life.  It is my dream to live in NYC at some point in my life (whether that be for a month or years).  Here are some pictures from that amazing trip.  The week that we were in NYC was one of the hottest weeks they had had since the 80s.  We were miserably hot the entire time.  I wanted to die at many times on the trip, but it was still the best trip I've ever been on.
This is the group that I went with, Youth Choir.  We were in NY state for two weeks.  The first week was spent in Upper State NY hosting VBS's and Backyard Bible Clubs and handing out flyers and such.  The second week was spent in NYC.
This is the group of girls I hung out with for a little bit of the trip.  This is us at Hard Rock in Times Square.
My mom, aunt, and cousin flew up to NYC to stay with me for the second half of the trip.  This is when we joined up at the Cake Boss bakery in NJ.  This is our "Hey-a, Buddy, make-a me a cake-a" stance.
This is me and Jord on Fashion Ave with Betsy Johnson's mannequin.
Here's me and mom in Central Park.
This is when mom, Aunt Tammy, and I watched the 4th of July fireworks from a dark alley while Aunt Tammy sang the Star Spangled Banner and God Bless America.
This is Aunt Tammy, Jordan, and I in the Metro.
Us at MOMA.
On the Metro
When we met up with Kayla, her mom and sister at the World's largest Macy's.
Me and Jordan being disappointed with mom for buying the Empire State Building Skyline Map. Useless.
In line for the Empire State Building
On the Empire State Building.
Modeling with Laney on the Empire State Building.
On the Metro
After we were just asked by a news reporter if we were British.  Dream come true.
Resting our aching feet.
Buying Dr. Scholls gel inserts for our shoes.
Going into Jordan's friend Jessica's dwelling place in Brooklyn.  She was living with this really quirky couple and their place was so cool.
At the Brooklyn Promenade.
Visiting my main squeeze Marc's store.  Absolute dream come true.
Sleeping in the lobby of the hotel waiting for the taxi to take us to the airport.  Worn out.
In a taxi for the first time.
On the Staten Island Ferry.  We were delirious from the heat.
On the ferry again.  (See my huge bruise on my leg?  Yea, I ran into the armrest on the charter bus.  I had a black and blue bruise for weeks.)
Modeling at Century Twenty One in NY.

My Life In Pictures (and some words)

This is me as a child.  Yea, I know, I was cute.  Like my Jasmine shirt?
This is me and my best friend at the time, Madison.  Our group reading fair board made it to state.  Can you see why?  Our car had working lights.
This is Super Bowl Sunday of 5th grade, aka the Janet Jackson year.
This is me being amazing and giving my brother a concert for his birthday.  Check out my sweet mic stand, oh wait, that's a chair that I wrapped the microphone cord around until it stayed.
This is when all of my best friends and I got to go to Destin together.  So fun!  (I was always the runt)
This is me during my brief two year cheerleading phase.  Yuck
Me and Zach being Superman and Supergirl in Metropolis.
Me and my cousin, Jordan, being cool at Disney World in 7th grade.
Church trip to Gatlinburg.  I know my hair looked good, you don't have to tell me.
Brother, Mom, me, and Jordan on a trip to Austin to visit Josh.
Me being a gem during my hateful teenage years.
Peeling garlic with Jordan.  This was during the time when I only wore men's t-shirts.
During my blue hair, Beatles phase.
In Austin with Josh.
In NYC with Jordan.  Best.  Trip.  Ever.
Me and my best friend, Kayla, and her sister, Laney, on the Empire State Building.
In Brooklyn at the Promenade.
White Water Rafting on a trip to G-burg with the family and our closest family friends.
The ladies of my mom's side of the family on Thanksgiving.  Me and Jordan made the hats, ties, and Indian headbands for the fam.
The Gingerbread House Competition at Ricky's last year.
The GHC this year.  I'd say I look a little different in these two.
For my last picture, I'll show you the day my life changed so much.  When I met Ricky.  Greatest Night.

Thursday, January 3, 2013


I've made a resolution to start blogging more this year, so here goes nothing.  I love to blog, but I get busy doing other things and forget.  I love being able to look back and read my blog posts (not because I am such an eloquent blogger), because I love being able to see what was going on in my life at the time that I wrote the post.  Sometimes I will have forgotten all about a certain thing that happened, but I will re-read my posts and it will remind me of something fun or funny or even terrible that happened.  I am not posting to entertain others, rather to journal about my life.  So, without further adieu, I will begin my first post of the new year.

 I cannot believe it is 2013.  Already.  This break is going by very quickly.  Let me tell you what has changed since the last time I posted.  I am a Sophomore in my second semester at the University of Memphis.  I am majoring in English and I may minor in French depending on how well I do.  I am doing Rosetta Stone on my Macbook every night to try and learn as much French as I can before I start French I on the 17th.  I am really excited to start taking French classes.  I just started my new job working at Trekkers at Longview Heights Baptist Church this Monday.  I am loving it so far.  Today is my first day to be doing my actual job (the other two days I have been sort of training and observing).  But the kiddos start back today, so we'll see how that goes.  I am excited to have my own room that I can decorate and to get to know all of the kids and to teach them about the Lord.  There has been so much going on lately.  I quit at the YMCA, obviously, because I will be working every day at Trekkers.  I also am going to have to cut back on my hours at church, because I won't get off until 5:30 or 6 on Wednesdays from Trekkers.  But I am excited to start one job that is every day.  It will be a nice constant in my life.  I am so glad not to have to work at the Y anymore.  Though I loved the people that I worked for and with, it was a boring job and I dreaded having to go in every time.  I am glad that at Trekkers I will be doing actual activities with the kids and not just babysitting them.  Another resolution of mine is to get fit (and stay that way) this year.  I am going to try to start going to the Y before school.

  Anyway, I have to get to work soon, so I'm signing off, but I will try to post again soon.